Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Newsletters 2019

Llano River Watershed Alliance
Collaborate. Educate. Participate
Member Aplication
Print Membership Form or pay via Paypal
Individual Membership
Business Membership

The Llano River Watershed Alliance is an organization of landowners and interested stakeholders whose mission statement is to preserve and enhance the Llano River watershed by encouraging land and water stewardship through collaboration, education, and community participation.
IT’S TIME AGAIN TO JOIN or RENEW your membership with the Llano River Watershed Alliance for 2025!
In 2024, through ongoing members’ support, board actions, grants, and partnerships, LRWA continued fulfilling its mission by doing the following:
Published 5 online newsletters on LRWA’s Google Group and Webpage.
Continued working with TPWD through its Healthy Creek Initiative grant to eradicate Arundo in the watershed.
Continued fulfillment of the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership grant through additional landowner consultations, holding an Erosion Control Techniques Workshop (speaker: Mollie Walton) in March, and completing work on the streambank/riparian restoration demonstration site at the South Llano River State Park.
Begun in May 2022, during 2024 we continued to send out frequent List Serve announcements to keep you informed about time-sensitive conservation-related developments in the Watershed and if relevant, surrounding Hill Country counties.
To protect pristine streams throughout the Llano River watershed and secondarily throughout the Hill Country, we have partnered with Hill Country Alliance, Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA), and the Wastewater Conservation Coalition, to gather information, give advocacy and monetary support toward the policing of new unpermitted dams on navigable streams and to fight potentially harmful direct discharge permits.​
Please fill out the enclosed form and mail it with your check (made out to LRWA), to LRWA, Box 725, Junction, TX 76849 Print and mail in form
You can also join/renew online via Paypal at the top of this page.
Individual memberships are $20; Business/Sponsor memberships are $100, and a Business membership includes a free link to your website from the LRWA website.​
Thank you all for your support in the past and we look forward to our interactions in the future!
Linda Fawcett, President
Llano River Watershed Alliance, Lrwatx@gmail.com